Term 2 Week 4

 Week 4 (whā)

Kia Ora Kākano Whānau,

We had a great week last week with the children. The teachers set up some awesome provocations that relate to our learning this term. The overall theme is Wellness and we are looking at the social sciences curriculum area. Children have been involved in making butter, making peanut butter, learning about different types of shelters, keeping warm, eating healthy, and feeding animals.

This week we are running the Pentecost liturgy. Children who are involved in the speaking parts will bring home some words on Monday to practise at home. Thank you for helping them with this. All families are welcome to attend!! It is on Thursday at 12:15 in the HALL.

The children are still really enjoying making the toast in the morning. A reminder that we provide the bread but rely on the generosity of our parents to bring in spreads. Thank you so much for bringing these in.

The week ahead:

Monday - normal school day

Tuesday - normal school day

Wednesday - normal school day

Thursday - LITURGY in HALL 12:15

Friday - sausage sizzle, juicy, library day

We look forward to another fun-filled learning week with the children.

See you all tomorrow!


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