Week 6 updates and reminders

 Thank you for supporting the ice block fundraiser. Today was the last day.

Reminder it is library day and sausage sizzle/juicy day on FRIDAY.

If your child is in POMPALLIER they will need to be dressed in green on Friday.

Over the last few weeks we have been talking about the Zones of Regulation. Children are learning to identify what zone they are in and we are working through some ways to come out of the zones and to be in the green zone. Here are the types of feelings children might feel if they are in different zones.

Blue zone - sad, sick, bored, tired

Green zone - happy, calm, focussed, ready to learn

Yellow zone - frustrated, worried, silly, overexcited

Red zone - angry, terrified, yelling/hitting, out of control.

We have linked each zone to an Inside Out character so that they have this visual. Talk to your child at home about which zone they are in and what they could do to get back to the green zone.


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